Germanian Empire Wiki

When you create an article on this wiki, you:

  • Are allowed to apporve and edit regular user contributions to your articles.
  • You can reform articles that you own and reorganize them


  • Administrators (including me) have the power to change your articles to make it comply with the rules, to remove illcit content, and also to make it in coordination with Germanian Empire
  • Administrators will immediately delete any plagiarized or real-world content, unless I have granted apporval for it be allowed.
  • Administrators will immediately delete any spam.
  • Users can be banned for excessive violations of the ownership exceptions. Three warnings will be delivered to the users' talk page before short-length and eventually full-length blocks are activated.

Your content can be reused

Other users can copy and redistrbute your content on other imaginary working wikis and may release copies on the forums. However, they are not allowed to change or spam up your content. Only the administrator can change it and then redistrbute it.
